
Starting with the transformation of individual playgrounds,
connecting various roles, resources, and attention,
together we implement a city where children can play freely.

What is Children’s Play

When it comes to children's play,
some may think of slides, swings, while others mention climbing trees, building sandcastles.

In fact, children's play is full of various possibilities,
without fixed forms and not limited to specific spaces.
The key is that  different children can all play well and want to play again and again.

A city suitable for children to play can be examined from three levels:

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Fun playgrounds

Playability|In addition to fun equipment, diverse facilities, pathways, and topography supporting a variety of play behaviors are equally important.
Play Environment|Children of different ages and physical conditions can find suitable options.

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Abundant playable space

Play Environment|Games can happen in more places, allowing children to build relationships with others. Awaken the friendly aspects that children need and desire in urban living.

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Comprehensive urban play planning

Robust Policies|Develop comprehensive policies for children's play and allocate ample resources.
Child Participation|Ensure that the voices and needs of children are heard and adequately incorporated into policy services.

為了讓每個孩子能盡情遊戲 特公盟展開一場最好玩的革命

This revolution is driving change
from three aspects, continuously
amplifying the influence of fun!

Revitalizing park playgrounds

Creating diverse play spaces

Building play-friendly city

No more boring playgrounds

PPFCC promotes distinctive park playgrounds
suitable for play across Taiwan.

Revitalizing park playgrounds, making fun happen nearby!

Park playgrounds are the spaces where children are most easily accessible to play!
Therefore, PPFCC actively focuses on and participates in the construction and renovation of park playgrounds.

Since 2016, we have gradually accumulated some achievements across Taiwan.

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Promoting and participating in the design and renovation of 700+ playgrounds, bringing distinctive play areas
right to your neighborhood.
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Before initiating the renovation of park playgrounds in all 16 counties and cities across Taiwan,
incorporating children's opinions into the design.
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結合茶葉、礦業、碼頭等地方歷史意象作為主題,分為兩區乾式及濕式遊戲場。撈金魚意象噴泉與滑水道是濕式遊戲場亮點,三個滑水道刻有汐止特色-基隆河、曬青、舢舨,呼應基隆河運意象,撈金魚噴泉旁有小礫石坑;乾式遊戲場有茶葉倉庫遊戲塔、貨櫃跳台、船型踏板跟寬面磨石子滑梯。有設置親子廁所,無障礙廁所裡也有照護床。PS. 只有夏季開放噴泉與滑水道喔。


Communicating and coordinating 
to connect the elements of fun.

PPFCC connects professionals from different fields and coordinates opinions
from various roles to transform a distinctive park where everyone can play freely.

Transforming a playground involves many challenges and complexities!
But because it is challenging, it requires everyone to join us in driving change.

Gain an in-depth understanding of the intricacies involved in the transformation of distinctive parks.

While participating in renovations, we are also taking notes on many intricacies.
Whether you are interested in professional knowledge or anecdotes, we have it covered.
Feel free to share with friends who care about playgrounds!

See More about Our Impact

Creating diverse play spaces

Building play-friendly city

More attention on Children’s need

PPFCC organizes street closures for children's games
to advocate for more diverse playable spaces.

Create diverse play spaces to make more fun places available!

In addition to parks, we hope to have more places suitable for children's play!
Therefore, PPFCC has expanded its advocacy starting with street games.

In 2019, we independently initiated the first street game event,
allowing more people to see children in play and recognize their need for more play spaces.

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Accumulating in 7 counties and cities across Taiwan,
we have organized 30+ neighborhood street game events.
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Providing practical training with local game design implementation experience for over
100+ community leaders, teachers, and local organizations.

Launching "Street Play"
gives children the freedom to play outside their homes.

Advocacy for children's play rights should be fun too!
That's why we choose to make the experience of games
delightful through street games.

Local empowerment, turning fun into a profession.

The advocacy for street games doesn't stop when the events end!
We organize numerous empowerment workshops,
sharing the experience of game design with local community leaders, teachers, and local organizations.
By combining the strengths of different groups, we aim to see street games blossom in diverse settings.

Gain a deeper understanding of the advocacy behind street games.

Street games involve bringing experiences from abroad back to Taiwan.
We study how other countries advocate for public play spaces,
and at the same time, face challenges in organizing street games in Taiwan.

We've documented the origins, context, and reflections during the promotion of street games.
Feel free to share this information with more friends who are concerned about children's play rights!

See More about Our Impact

Revitalizing park playgrounds

Building play-friendly city

Fostering public policies with our experience

PPFCC collaborates with cross-sector partners
to consolidate experiences in creating game-friendly cities.

Create a play-friendly city and make fun a part of its DNA!

We continue to work towards making a play-friendly environment an integral part of the city's DNA!
Through international exchanges and interdisciplinary collaboration,
we gather experiences in transforming play spaces into a knowledge base to deepen our impact.

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Connected with 40+ global partners, we exchange ideas, discuss cases, and share practical experiences to
build a collective knowledge base.
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Collaborating with experts in child psychology, landscape design, and other fields,
we aim to create a knowledge hub for children's play in Taiwan.

We compile guidelines to provide a roadmap
for creating playful environments.

We collaborate with experts and scholars in fields such as landscape architecture, occupational therapy, child psychology, sociology, early childhood education, and architecture.
We also actively participate in seminars on child-friendly cities, connecting with the international community of professionals focused on children's play and well-being.

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Consolidating experiences to provide a clearer path for creating play-friendly cities.

We aim to make children's play rights more understandable and easily applicable.
Therefore, we work hard to translate complex academic theories into charts,
accompanied by incredibly fun play examples from various countries.

We also strive to systematize related cases and guidelines.
By combining the strengths of different groups, we aim to see street games blossom in diverse settings.

Deeply tracking the promotion of play-friendly cities

The concept of children's right to play is still unfamiliar to many in Taiwan.
We aim to change the mindset that "any play is good enough"
We continue to gather and translate international cases, integrating expert views into systematic guidelines!

We continue to collect and translate numerous international examples and integrate perspectives from experts in various fields into systematic guidelines!

See More about Our Impact

Revitalizing park playgrounds

Creating diverse play spaces