Why involve children in design?
"I want a really tall slide!"
"I want to climb like Spider-Man!"
Some worry that children's design ideas might be too imaginative to implement.
However, involving children in design doesn't make them designers; it makes them 'partners' with designers, creating fun play spaces together."

In Children’s Perspective
①Through both words and actions, children can practice communication and articulate their ideas during the design process
② Sensing the environment and materials on-site to open up diverse imagination and perception of play.

In Designer’s Perspective
① Gaining a deeper understanding of children's play behavior through direct participation and observation
② Enhancing understanding of the diverse aspects of play to discover tailored solutions for different settings
Establishing participatory design as a norm
to create playgrounds that truly meet children's needs
Games play a crucial role in children's lives, yet currently, they have little autonomy in shaping play spaces and struggle to express opinions during planning, often overlooked.
Therefore, we advocate for active government inclusion of children's voices in the process of constructing or renovating playgrounds, making participatory design a standard practice. Through this approach, we aim to delve into each child's inner world, ensuring play spaces genuinely cater to their perspectives and needs.